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Hi. I'm Kendra. 

With a Ph.D. in pharmacology and a strong background in implementing academic programs, I've been applying my UX design skills and artistic talents to solve communication and system problems. 

I like to solve problems like...

How might you guide a school through a website update? 

I redesigned the School of Medicine Basic Sciences website over a one year period. See how I guided the process using data-driven design decisions. 

How can we deliver expert drug discovery knowledge to the masses? 

I designed 'Drug Discovery Online' from the ground up, expertly managing stakeholder needs, institutional branding, and complex content to deliver an engaging educational experience. 

How could we expand access to artist talents across the sciences?

As part of my MICA capstone project, I developed a pitch for an ArtLab App, imaging the next step for ArtLab

How do visuals change the way science is communicated? 

I collaborate with scientists to create compelling graphics and figures that enhance the appeal of their research for funding purposes, facilitate communication to a broad audience, and inspire scientists to view their work from fresh, innovative perspectives.

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©2024 by Kendra Oliver

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